PS : the message is obviously not to NumberXer0 but to the admins/moderators who edited the posts.
Now that you have an app you want to make this forum your 'official app forum' and prevent anyone from talking about anything but your app ? I thought the forum was about being a community where people can create, share and download CE tables and trainers ? (and mostly for free) Now we are only allowed to speak about trainers inside the 'Fearless Evolution' (aka 'Cheat Evolution') application ?
I also have trouble understanding why they edited my post by removing the name of the trainer's author, as his trainers has already been posted multiple times on this forum without issues Kind of strange, seeing as we have many of their trainers posted on this very forum in our trainer section.but sure. Would someone tell me where I can get this? A link to it if possible? For info fearlessrevolution has updated his trainer for the game, it should be enough until someone can update the table.